by Pam Pacelli Cooper, Verissima Productions Memories of July 4th, 2020: Masked and cautious, we went to our local supermarket to buy corn for two, a small package of hamburger, and pre-sliced watermelon. In three different houses across town, the friends we had joined for years in a celebration of the “glorious Fourth “did much[Read More]
Memory and Place: Your Childhood Geography Map
How often do we think about where we grew up and the geography of our neighborhoods? Do we consider how much geography shaped our family history narrative? Recently, I took some time to think about those questions and to reflect upon my childhood geography map. My Childhood Geography I was looking at a picture of[Read More]
A Simple Kindness That Saves Lives
by Pam Pacelli Cooper President, Verissima Productions I’ve been wracking my brain for the last few weeks, trying to think about what to write for my December blog. There are thousands of excellent blogs about gift giving and personal history including more “Listicles” than I can count. I don’t have any better ideas that those[Read More]
Mothers, Michigan, and Mysteries: A Personal, Personal History
“The shoemaker’s child goes barefoot” was what my grandmother used to say when talking about unhealthy doctors, bankrupt accountants, and hot dog consuming chefs. As a personal historian, it’s easy to forget to tend to the mysteries in your own history and pretty soon, you end up saying: “I wish I knew.” It was time to get this shoemaker’s child some[Read More]