As a quick follow up to last week’s post about creating a sonic history here’s a great video highlighting 100 years of sound history and two excellent web resources to help you find the sounds that you find most memorable.
The Senses
Sonic World: Your Aural History
Using Your Senses to Uncover Your Family History, Part Two: Sniffing Out Emotions
By Pam Pacelli As a junior in high school, I was given an assignment to write about a deeply pleasurable experience. Immediately, I recalled to the joy of baking sugar cookies with my grandmother in her kitchen but—try as I might—I could not describe the glorious smells of the newly baked cookies. Frustrated, I[Read More]
Using Your Senses to Uncover Your Family History, Part One: Stop…and Look
I love to walk. For over 30 years, I’ve walked in my adopted city of Boston. I know most of the streets, the byways, and the landmarks. But until I became a volunteer architectural and historical tour guide, I had no idea what I was missing. As part of our knowledge base, we were asked to identify cornices and[Read More]