A responsibility not “accepted blithely.” Join us as Francie King of History Keep describes her work with personal history clients, drawing on her years of journalism experience. You’ll also encounter treasured letters, Revolutionary War re-enactors, and a magnificent mother as we enter Part 3 of our journey to find the personal stories of personal historians.[Read More]
Women's History
Fabulous Women in Great Movies…
By Pam Pacelli Cooper Verissima Productions As Women’s History Month winds down, I think of all the marvelous, silly, gripping, and sometimes infuriating roles given to actresses over the years in the thousands of films I have seen. A list of some of my favorites follows (in no special order). 1. Who is[Read More]
“You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby”…but you’ve got a long, long way to go.
A post for Women’s History Month, 2015 By Pam Pacelli Cooper, Verissima Productions Many people are used to thinking about women’s struggles to gain equality and physical safety as a thing of the past. We see the statistics describing women’s rise to the top in corporations, in educational achievement, in politics, and in[Read More]