Welcome to the first episode of our new podcast! Each episode of Life Preservers: A Personal History Podcast will feature interviews designed to help you think about personal history–what it is, how to do it, why to do it, and how personal histories create a correspondence with the future. In addition to the interviews, we’ll point[Read More]
oral history
Creating a Correspondence with the Future: A Monthly Newsletter
We’re excited to announce the launch of a monthly e-newsletter, beginning in April. We’d love to have you join us and subscribe. Just CLICK HERE to be put on our mailing list! Want to know more? Watch this quick iPhone video we shot on location for an introduction to what will be contained in each[Read More]
A History of Sound
As a quick follow up to last week’s post about creating a sonic history here’s a great video highlighting 100 years of sound history and two excellent web resources to help you find the sounds that you find most memorable.
Sonic World: Your Aural History
“You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby”…but you’ve got a long, long way to go.
A post for Women’s History Month, 2015 By Pam Pacelli Cooper, Verissima Productions Many people are used to thinking about women’s struggles to gain equality and physical safety as a thing of the past. We see the statistics describing women’s rise to the top in corporations, in educational achievement, in politics, and in[Read More]